Our Governance
CSC as an organisation
A mutual entity
CSC is a not-for-profit, public company, limited by guarantee. Registered with ASIC, it is owned in mutual by its members who all have equal voting rights (1 member = 1 vote).
Board of directors
CSC is governed by a board of directors who must act on behalf of the members. There must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 directors as well as a Company Secretary.
Appointment of directors
All members can nominate for the role of director, which is usually approved at vote of General Meeting of members. Tenure of directors is 3 years, but they can be reappointed for up to 9 years.
Duties of directors
As required by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth) directors must show care and diligence, good faith and proper use of company assets and information in carrying out their duties.
Remuneration of directors
Directors cannot be paid for their work as a director, but they can be reimbursed for work undertaken or expenses incurred by them on behalf of the company.
Board meetings
Board meetings are held monthly and AGMs held annually. All board and AGM minutes are recorded and retained by CSC and can be accessed by members on request.
CSC Board of Directors
Peter Malone
Peter Malone is the Chairman of the Board of CSC Ltd and an experienced entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in global financial markets. He has been responsible for raising AUD$100m+ for technology development companies. He has a proven track record in managing technology development programs.
Our Constitution
Features of CSC Membership
Mutual ownership
CSC is a member-owned company. All members have equal voting rights at AGMs, and individuals can nominate for board director positions when they become available.
Open membership
Membership is open to any person (e.g. individual or incorporated body) who supports our purpose and objectives, pays the membership fees and adheres to our constitution and by-laws.
Access to member information
All members have access to the CSC Membership Registry, but only for the purposes of what is in the best interests and rights of the other members.
Acceptance of new members
The CSC board must approve all new member applications. The board has the right to reject an application, and is not required to give reasons.
Removal of membership
Where a member breaches the consititution of the CSC, or behaves in a manner that causes, or is likely to cause harm to the CSC and its members, membership can be revoked.
Membership fees
Membership fees are set by the CSC board and are paid on an annual basis. There are different types of membership depending on the nature of the member.