Tamryn Barker, Director CSC Ltd
Tamryn is passionate about providing high quality strategic support to start-ups, innovators, government, industry and university through innovative collaboration and growth programs, initiatives, and business models.
She has an excellent network in Perth’s Innovation ecosystem having been the founding CEO of the CORE Innovation Hub (a collaboration between Spacecubed and Unearthed), Australia’s first co-working, collaboration and innovation hub focussed on the resources industries. She has been a committee member at Minerals Research Institute of WA and Women in Technology WA Inc.
Tamryn has extensive International experience representing the EU in China and overseeing implementation of key bilateral co-operation initiatives between European and Chinese authorities.
Phone: +61-424-051-307Email: tamryn@corehub.com.au
Phone: +61-424-051-307Email: tamryn@corehub.com.au